Health impact
All types of asbestos fibers are known to cause serious health hazards in humans and animals.[92][93][94] Amosite and crocidolite are considered the most hazardous asbestos fiber types; however, chrysotile asbestos has also produced tumors in animals and is a recognized cause of asbestosis and malignant mesothelioma in humans,[95] and mesothelioma has been observed in people who were occupationally exposed to chrysotile, family members of the occupationally exposed, and residents who lived close to asbestos factories and mines.[96]
During the 1980s and again in the 1990s it was suggested at times that the process of making asbestos cement could "neutralize" the asbestos, either via chemical processes or by causing cement to attach to the fibers and changing their physical size; subsequent studies showed that this was untrue, and that decades-old asbestos cement, when broken, releases asbestos fibers identical to those found in nature, with no detectable alteration.[97]
Exposure to asbestos in the form of fibers is always considered dangerous. Working with, or exposure to, material that is friable, or materials or works that could cause release of loose asbestos fibers, is considered high risk. In general, people who become ill from inhaling asbestos have been regularly exposed in a job where they worked directly with the material.
[ Wikipedia ]
Azbests un apkure - kāda ir saikne?
Azbests [ Asbestos ] ir pazīstams ar tā siltuma izturību un izolācijas īpašībām, un tas tika izmantots līdz pat 1999 gada beigām, lai palīdzētu izolēt cauruļvadus, katlus, kanālus un tvertnes gan mājās, gan komercplatībās.
Ar Direktīvu 1999/77/EK no 2005. gada 1. janvāra ir aizliegta jebkāda azbesta izmantošana. Turklāt ar Direktīvu 2003/18/EK ir aizliegta azbesta ieguve un azbesta produktu ražošana un pārstrāde. Tomēr galvenā problēma ir saskare ar azbesta iedarbību aizvākšanas, nojaukšanas, apkopes un uzturēšanas darbību laikā.
Hrizotīls [ Chrysotile ] bija visizplatītākā azbesta forma, pateicoties tās elastībai un spējai izmantot kā kopīgu savienojumu apmetuma maisījumā, kas pazīstama kā apliekoša siltumizolācija, to izmantoja cauruļu un katlu segšanai un izolēšanai.
Kaut gan uzkrātā zinātniskā pieredze nav pietiekama, lai
ieviestu tādu aizsardzības līmeni, kas nodrošinātu to, ka
veselība netiek apdraudēta, samazinot pakļaušanu azbesta
iedarbībai, samazināsies ar azbestu saistītu saslimšanu
[direktīva 2009/148/EK, Brisele, 30.novembris 2009]